15 feb. 2018

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day - February 2018

There are not so many blooms in the garden, although quite a few considering it is still winter and it snowed yesterday. Many snowdrops, a few helleborus, hepatica, primulas and violas are the brave ones this month.

Please visit Carol at May Dreams Garden to see what's blooming in February 2018 in other gardens from around the world.

4 comentarii:

  1. Your blooms look lovely! I love the combination of helleborus plants and snowdrops!
    Best wishes,

  2. Am reusit in ultimele zile de cand v-am descoperit sa va admir gradina de-a lungul a trei ani si ceva si am ramas impresionata. Sunteti o adevarata inspiratie si ma bucur ca impartasiti cu noi minunatiile unei gradini de vis.

    1. Multumesc pentru vizita!Acesta e un fel de jurnal al gradinii, dar ma bucur ca ii inspira si pe altii ☺️.
