8 iun. 2015

In a Vase on Monday - purple in June

O vază aranjată după amiaza târziu, la timp pentru te bucura de lumina apusului și a te relaxa după o zi de muncă - violet în iunie, adică  două feluri de salvie, un Platycodon, lavandă și câteva fire de iarbă./ A vase arranged late in the afternoon, just in time to enjoy the sunset light and relax after a day of work - purple in June, that is salvia, lavender, Platycodon and a few leaves of grass).

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9 comentarii:

  1. Anca how lovely especially the free form style with the grass and grass flowers...love that idea to include it in a vase!

  2. Very pretty in every setting, Anca! I love the delicate grass - it adds a light and airy touch to the arrangement.

    1. The airy touch is something I really like in a vase.Thanks for your comment, Kris!

  3. The perfect vase to unwind with Anca and if you had a hard day at work the smell of lavender flowers is always most soothing.

  4. The first few photos almost look like water colour paintings Anca! It's definitely a calming sort of vase - thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. This is a lovely cool and calm arrangement. Like you say, just the thing for a relaxing evening. :)
