29 iun. 2015

In a Vase on Monday - around the sun (flower)

Today everything is moving around the sun (flower)  I have got from my beloved Victor and his mum – hortensia that have just bloomed, some purple delphinium, white veronicas, iris leaves, a valeriana, flox buds and even a ladybird./ Vaza  de luni (flori din grădina mea) –  în jurul (florii) soarelui primite în dar de la dragii de Victor și mama lui se învârt  azi toate – hortensii abia înflorite, vreo două fire de delphinium albastru, veronici albe, frunze de iris, o valeriană, crenguțe înmugurite de flox și chiar și o gărgăriță.

Magic in the garden

 Victor &Kona

12 comentarii:

  1. The sunflower sings, doesn't it? Looks like the leader of a gang with his lesser hanger-ons, doesn't it?! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Always impressive, the sunflower! Thanks for visiting, Cathy!

  2. Lovely photos of your summery arrangement. I like the purple delphinium and white veronicas.

    1. Thank you, Susie! I wish I had more time for a more detailed story of the vase on Monday.

  3. A beautiful arrangement that shows the variety of beautiful blooms growing in your garden...love seeing the sunflower already!

    1. I do not have such a great variety of blooms in my garden, Donna, but I always can find something nice to put in a vase.Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. Such a lovely sunny arrangement - perfect in that watering can. It is also good to see your dog and your handsome son - I remember well the days when my son liked to help out in the garden - it is just not cool when you are 17 - although he does still like to play with the dogs.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Julie! The boy in the photo is not my son, he and his mum are good friends of mine and they brought me the sunflower I put in the vase yesterday. My son is 30 and my daughter is 34!

  5. What a huge sunflower! How nice of Victor and his mother to bring it!

    1. I love sunflowers, they bring so much light into the room! Thanks, Kris!

  6. That is a lovely fresh arrangement Anca. I do like the tall watering can as a vase. Beautiful photos too, with the sun shining on your sunflower (and ladybird!).

  7. Great arrangement, love the bubbles :)
