15 ian. 2017

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day - January 2017

The garden is covered with a lot of snow, last week we had around -20 Celsius degrees, so for this month Bloom Day there are only a few blooms which, apart from the catkins, you can actually count on your fingers.

1. The catkins of the hazel tree:

2. The decorative cabbage planted in a basket on the terrace:

3. The Helleborus Christmas Rose that hardly survived the frost:

4. Calluna:

5. A yellow viola (the other ones did not survive):

6. A white Cyclamen, inside:

Please visit Carol at May Dreams Garden to see what's blooming in January in other gardens from around the world.

5 comentarii:

  1. La ce temperaturi ati avut, e o minune ca ai flori.

    1. 2-3, acolo, cum vezi. Anul trecut, pe vremea asta, erau ghiocei infloriti.

  2. I am getting chilly just reading your post! We have snow on the ground, but it is 20 degrees F, not 20 below! The catkins are pretty and provide nice winter interest and I enjoyed your pretty cyclamen indoors. Happy GBBD!

  3. Hellebores in the snow - wonderful!
    Very pretty Cyclamen!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
