1 aug. 2016

In a Vase on Monday - Wild Pastel

All kinds of wild pastel beauties today picked from the hills in the neighbourhood and that I think deserved a Monday vase: daisies, Queen Ann’s Lace, grasses and a splendid light blue mint. Welcome August! /Azi e cu tot felul de frumuseți sălbatice pastelate aduse de pe dealurile din împrejurimi și care meritau o vază de luni: margarete, dantela reginei Ana, coada șoricelului, paie uscate și o superbă mentă sălbatică albastră.

Update: „Îmi plac foarte mult florile de camp, cum ar fi macii,  florile sălbatice. Natura ne dăruiește atât de multe lucruri!” (Regina Ana a României, 18.09.1923 - 1.08.2016)

15 comentarii:

  1. These are lovely Anca. Queen Ann’s Lace is such a pretty flower.

  2. Very pretty soft colours with the browns of the grasses and the string tie. Are the fluffy yellow flowers giant scabious?

    1. They are wild scabious indeed, but they are not giant.Thanks for the comment!

  3. Tare mi-a mers la inima buchetul de azi ! E atat de potrivit cu miezul verii.

  4. So soft and romantic - very pretty!

  5. Oh, so pretty, Anca! Old-fashioned, country joy. :)

  6. The white and lavender flowers make a fresh combination, especially with the silver container. Very nice, Anca!

  7. The white and lavender flowers make a fresh combination, especially with the silver container. Very nice, Anca!

  8. Gorgeous! I love all the wikd flowers and the metal 'vase' is just right. :)
