27 iun. 2016

In a Vase on Monday - Summer

33 de grade, caniculă, grădina ca o oază în pauzele de lucru. E vară, vară. În vaza de azi sunt florile acestui anotimp: iberis, physostegia Crown of Snow, flox, lavandă, gura-leului și câteva fire uscate de iarbă. / 33 degrees, very hot and the garden like an oasis of green and shadow to enjoy during the work breaks. This is summer. And these are some summer flowers in my today vase: Iberis, Physostegia Crown of Snow, Phlox, Lavender, Snapdragons and some blades of grass. 

15 comentarii:

  1. We're having similar temperatures Anca. Your summer flowers don't seem to mind the hot weather. Lovely!

    1. For the moment they don't and they look great. Thanks for visiting, Susie!

  2. Your vase is so fresh-looking in spite of the heat! Is 'crown of snow' Physostegia? I have to say that my eye was as much drawn by your pretty bench as by your summery vase! Keep cool and don't work too hard!

    1. Yes, it is Physostegia ”Crown of Snow” which this year is 2 m tall!Thanks for the comment!

  3. Yes, I agree, still fresh looking - and such a lovely range of summer colours. Thanks for sharing

  4. Oh Anca this is the perfect summer vase....looks like a meadow in a vase!

  5. It's a bright and cheerful arrangement, Anca. After searing heat early last week, our temperatures are headed back in the same direction now so I can sympathize with you. I hope the temperature cools down soon for you!

    1. It is already getting cooler, much better!Thanks for the visit, Kris!

  6. It's a bright and cheerful arrangement, Anca. After searing heat early last week, our temperatures are headed back in the same direction now so I can sympathize with you. I hope the temperature cools down soon for you!

  7. Just lovely - after weeks of grey skies and heavy rain I am so envious of your lovely weather!

  8. The pink phlox is gorgeous Anca. :) Such a lovely summery vase!
