I have seen how well they look together in the flowerbeds and here they are in my Monday vase: Love-in-a-mist, Scabiosa japonica, Scabiosa Black Knight, Iberis, Lavander, Drumstick allium, Sweet William, Campanulla and a white African Daisy.. Little and charming ones with beautiful names.
Love -in-a-Mist |
Iberis, Sweet William crimson&Scabiosa Japonica |
So pretty, Anca. A handful of summer!
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks, Eliza!
ȘtergereIt looks like a little meadow in a vase, Anca! I like the wrap you added to the vase too.
RăspundețiȘtergereExactly,that would have have been a better title!Thanks, Kris!
ȘtergereIt looks like a little meadow in a vase, Anca! I like the wrap you added to the vase too.
RăspundețiȘtergereLovely. Each and every little flower a star in its own right. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereOh this is such a yummy vase with that beautiful mix of flowers...lovely Anca!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you, Donna!
ȘtergereWhat can be nicer than bringing your garden inside, beautiful
RăspundețiȘtergereSo right, thanks for visiting, Cathy!
ȘtergereAtat de potrivite ca forma si culoare !
RăspundețiȘtergereCe bine ai sesizat, multumesc de vizita, Dani!
ȘtergereSuch a collection of little beauties - they look perfect together! I also love the way you have photographed them against that chair - such a great background.
RăspundețiȘtergereSo glad you like them, thanks, Julie!
Ștergere'Little and charming ones with beautiful names' - that sums it up, Anca, and of course it results in an utterly charming vase. Thanks for sharing
RăspundețiȘtergereAll these happen because of you, so thank YOU, Cathy!
ȘtergereDelicate little charms, each flower is a delight unto itself. I love this collection Anca. In the photo labelled "Iberis, Sweet William crimson&Scabiosa Japonica" I assume that pink flower on the left is Iberis but have only ever seen white. It's pretty. and Sweet William is one of my favorites but I find it hard to keep. Have a great week.
RăspundețiȘtergereAnd I have only purple/pink Iberis, but I know there is white, too. Thanks for the comment and the visit!
ȘtergereJust lovely - and the dark eye of the osteospermum makes it shine all the more. Thanks so much for sharing your pleasure!
ȘtergereHow pretty that arrangement is Anca. I like the little insect that is decoratively perched on the white nigella flower.
RăspundețiȘtergereI do not know what insect that is, but it is so pretty!Thanks for visiting, Anna!