30 mai 2016

In a Vase on Monday - Enjoy the Summer

Azi a fost ușor, pentru că aveam și vaza, și florile. Vara e după colț și se vede și în grădină, așa că a ieșit o vază colorată, cu de toate - coral bells, doi trandafiri albi, unul roșu, weigella, căldărușe, salvie, bujori și până și un iris.It has been easy today as I had both the vase and the flowers. Summer is around the corner and we can see this in the garden, so I ended up with a colourful vase made of some  beautiful Coral Bells, two white roses, a red one, Weigella, Aquillegia, salvia, some Peony buds and even an Iris. Enjoy the summer!

9 comentarii:

  1. A fragrant gorgeous vase with so much color....we are catching up now as we had a heat wave.

    1. Thanks, Donna!Looking forward to seeing your next Monday vases!

  2. It's another beautiful composition, Anca! As usual, I envy the peonies but I wish I had such robust roses too.

  3. Those roses are perfect and are real focal points - lovely to see them. Thnaks for sharing

  4. What a colorful combination, Anca - absolutely delightful! The coral bells are exceptional.

  5. Gorgeous roses, and those Coral Bells flowers seem so much bigger than any of mine... Yes, summer is practically here - when the peonies start opening I always think that too. :)
