16 mai 2016

In a Vase on Monday - Good bye, tulips!

Un fel de ”la revedere” pentru lalele. Vaza de azi e cu ultimele 4 lalele din grădină, care sunt toate niște frumuseți (aproape) negre. Și cu câteva fire de căldărușe în culori care să se potrivească./ Sort of a ”good bye, tulips!” vase with the last that I could find this spring in my garden. And that are all black or at least the closest to the impossible colour. Plus a few Columbines to keep them company.

18 comentarii:

  1. Just beautiful with blues and purples....I can't wait for my Columbines to finally bloom hopefully this week!

  2. Thta dark purple fringed one is a real beauty!! Thanks for sharing, Anca

  3. Lovely colors, Anca. I can't wait for my columbines to bloom in the next couple of weeks!

  4. I love the dark colors this week, Anca!

  5. I love the dark colors this week, Anca!

  6. Se detaseaza atat de frumos pe peretele alb ! Seamana a acuarela.

  7. What gorgeous colours. I love fringed tulips. Is that Black Jewel?

  8. What gorgeous colours. I love fringed tulips. Is that Black Jewel?

  9. I love the way one flower makes way for the next, and now the Aquilegias are slowly taking over after the tulips. You have a lovely combination of colours here Anca. :)
