11 ian. 2016

In a Vase on Monday - January Buds, a New Beginning

E prima vază pe care o fac în acest an și, pentru că la noi a fost cea mai caldă zi de ianuarie din ultimii 50 de ani, am putut să stau mai mult în grădină, să nu mă grăbesc, să caut ceva potrivit și să o aranjez pe îndelete. Am avut în cap încă de dimineață să fac o vază cu boboci (începutul de an  e plin de speranțe și tot așa), dar nu m-am așteptat chiar să îmi iasă și să găsesc, pe lângă mugurii de magnolie, de care știam, câțiva ghiocei stând să  se desfacă, trei boboci de hellebore albe, vreo două viole care au supraviețuit zăpezii, frunze crude de muscari. În soare și într-o atmosferă plăcută de iarnă-primăvară, am tot pozat vaza în diferite locuri, ca pe un trofeu prețios./ It is my first  Monday vase this year and, as here it has been the warmest day in January in the last 50 years, I could spend more time in the garden to arrange it the way I wanted. Since morning I had thought to use some buds ( a new year, a new beginning, hopes etc.), but I did not expect to find such beautiful companions for the Magnolia buds that I had in view already: a few ready to bloom snowdrops, three white Hellebore buds, two violas that survived some heavy snow  and some fresh Muscari leaves. In the sun and in a very pleasant winter-spring atmosphere, I took many photos of my vase, in various surroundings as if it had been a precious trophy.  

15 comentarii:

  1. A fabulous vase against the snow...January is cold and we are getting snow now so no blooms!

    1. We used to have a lot of snow in January, too! I am so glad you like my vase, Donna!

  2. Superb buchetul de inceput de Ianuarie !

  3. Oh Anca, the colours in your vase are lovely - such soft muted green shades and the ribbon is such a brilliant accompaniment. I am afraid there were a lot of buds on the magnilia that I have just cut down... :(

    1. So sorry about your magnolia, Cathy! Mine is in her fourties!I am so pleased you have noticed those great green shades!

  4. Delightful vase and lovely description of your pleasure in arranging it today.

  5. I was surprised that you said it was warm with that snow covering the ground, Anca! The vase is beautiful!

    1. It snowed a lot a week ago and then suddenly it got very warm and so we had 15 degrees in the air and snow on the ground.Thanks, Kris!

  6. How pretty your little vase looks Anca, such pretty colours. And you have snow I see. Keep warm.

  7. How pretty your little vase looks Anca, such pretty colours. And you have snow I see. Keep warm.

  8. I love the buds you have used as much as your flowers this week, Anca. :) More cold weather is on the way, so it was wise to pick these while you could. Stay warm!
