22 ian. 2016

Garden Bloggers’ Foliage Day - January 2016

”Ziua frunzișului” e azi una cu zăpadă, cu tot felul de căciulițe albe și podoabe strălucitoare. Today ”Foliage Day” is a white one, with all sorts of white caps and jewels.

Cea mai frumoasă e tufa mare de lavandă, impecabilă după zile bune de îngheț și ninsori.Lavanda is the most beautiful one, as it looks still great after a few days of frost and snow.

Caprifoiul  parcă e împăratul verde al grădinii, / The Honeysuckle looks like the Green Emperor of the garden,

iar ”yucile” stau de pază lângă el, cu săbiile ridicate./and the Yuccas are next to it with their swords up in the air.

Ilexul prinț albastru de un verde lucitor e în colțul lui, împodobit și el, dar prea scund ca să se afirme./The shiny green Blue Prince Ilex is resting in its corner, beautifully adorned with snow, but too short to show off.

Grăsuțul de Buxus arată perfect cu zăpadă pe el,/ The little fat Buxus looks perfect covered with snow,

iar Nandina e, desigur, o vedetă ”de culoare”./ and Nandina is, of course, a colourful star.

Și porumbelul alb, pe care cele minus 20 de grade îl lasă impasibil/ And Euonymus jap Paloma Blanca for which the minus 20 degrees are not a problem.

Many thanks to Christina for hosting this meme!

2 comentarii:

  1. You have many plants I wouldn't expect you see in your wintry garden Anca. Do they all survive every year or do you have to replace some of them? your snow looks lovely and soft and fluffy so I imagine that your air is very dry; that probably helps a lot. Thank you for joining in GBFD this month it is lovely to see your snow covered garden.

  2. They all survive every year, Christine, and this is great. Thanks for visiting my garden!
