7 sept. 2015

In a Vase on Monday - the remains of the summer

O vază făcută dimineața devreme,  să mai prind ceva din vara care se duce cu fiecare oră. I-am zis  ”rămășițele verii” și am pus câte un fir din ce mai e în floare în grădină și ne-a bucurat toată vara: lavandă, trandafir alb, flox, hortensia albă, vreo trei feluri de salvie, valeriană roșie, hosta purple passion, achillea ptarmica și un ochiul boului, să marcheze trecerea la toamnă./ A vase that I have arranged early this morning, to catch more from the summer that is leaving us bits by bits and little by little every single hour. I called it ”The Remains of the Summer” and put in it those flowers that have made us happy in the last three months:lavender, white roses, phlox, white hydrangea, salvia, red valeriana, hosta purple passion, achillea ptarmica and a China aster, to mark the transition to autumn.Have a great week!

18 comentarii:

  1. Pretty pinks, and I like the peachy colors of the Red Valeriana and the texture they add, they all make a nice colorful arrangement with the white roses. The purple accents spice it up too.

  2. That is really pretty Anca, I'm sorry summer is departing already for you. I'm pleased that the link on Cathy's post worked to reach you today as I've been receiving a message saying your blog had been removed when I tried following links back from your comments on my posts.

    1. I have changed the name of my blog recently and maybe that is why the link did not work when you tried to follow it.Thanks for the comment and for visiting, Christina!

  3. I like your lovely tribute to summer Anca. You still have some beautiful blooms.

  4. A beautiful arrangement, Anca Tirca, to mark the end of summer. I like the mix of blooms you've found in your garden. Like you, I had to pick as many of the lingering blooms as possible before the nip of autumn becomes the cold of winter.

  5. My goodness your vase is just chock full of charming cottage flowers....I love it as summer fades.

  6. It's a joyful vase, Anca, and a perfect nod to the end of summer. Best wishes for a good week.

  7. Lovely Anca, especially your white rose in the centre. I hope summer hangs on just a little longer for you. :)

  8. And somehow the blooms have more of a fresh spring-like look, don't they? Thanks for sharing Anca

    1. Maybe because I picked the best looking ones! Thanks for visiting, Cathy!
