28 sept. 2015

In a Vase on Monday - end of September

O vază făcută repede, între două reprize de ploaie, să prind sfârșitul lui septembrie. Am găsit floxul rămas fără flori, dar cu capete frumoase, tocmai bun să umple un vas mare pe care nu l-am mai folosit de mult, crenguțe de Physocarpus Diabolo cu frunze închise la culoare, niște flori de weigela cărora li s-a năzărit să mai înflorească și în septembrie, lavandă, fire de iarbă, 2 hortensii, câțiva boboci din trandafirul alb și pe el, ca o vedetă (roșie), un Crimson Glory. O săptămână grozavă!/ A vase picked very quickly today, in between two  rounds of rain, not to miss the end of September. I found phlox without flowers but with some nice heads just perfect for my tall vase I have not used for quite some time, a few branches of Physocarpus Diabolo with their dark - coloured leaves, some Weigela unexpectedly in bloom once again in September, Lavender, grass, two Hydrangeas, two white rose buds and a Crimson Glory, sparkling among all of them like a (red) star. Have a great week!


18 comentarii:

  1. I like how you have used your flower bucket as a vase, I often think that the flowers look just as arranged while they are having a long drink as when I put them in a vase.

  2. I do not use it as a flower bucket, but as a vase, it looks perfect on my terrace. Thanks for visiting!

    1. I think it looks perfect too, and would look lovely inside too, I didn't mean that I thought it was wrong.

  3. The perfect vase I find are those I do not plan...instead wandering the garden and choosing what brings me delight at the moment seems to make the best vases....love the cottage garden look of this!

  4. I agree with Christina that our blooms can look just as effective when they have just been picked and bunched together - so lack of time should never be an excuse for us not to produce a vase! Definitely a simple cottage garden look here - lovely!

    1. Because of the rain, I had to pick them quickly, but it took some time to arrange them in the vase. Glad you like it, Cathy!

  5. The red rose is the star of this arrangement, but the white and pink accents dress it up so beautifully, and the dark leaves and flower seed heads add a lot of structure and interest to your lovely vase. I like the idea of displaying them on a chair outside, I always have trouble finding the right lighting.

    1. Finding the right light takes time, that is why I prefer to display my vases in places I am familiar with already.Thanks for the comment, Hannah!

  6. Thanks for braving the rain to put together your lovely vase, Anca! Your dog is very good to pose there next to the vase without trying to eat the flowers (as my cat usually does if given the opportunity).

    1. Yes, Kira is a good dog and so is Kona, our Labrador. Thanks for your comment and for visiting my blog, Kris!

  7. Such fresh and lovely flowers.

  8. So glad you managed to dash out between showers to pick flowrs to celebrate the end of September. A lovely collection of blooms! :)

    1. End of September is in my vase now! Thanks for visiting, Cathy!

  9. such pretty blooms and I adore the zinc flower bucket too!
