Ultima zi de noiembrie a fost un amestec de tot ce a însemnat această lună de-a lungul a 30 de zile: ger și brumă dimineața, soare și o lumină blândă pe la prânz, câțiva boboci supraviețuitori, arbuști goi, capete uscate de flori, crizanteme, roșu și galben de corn, verde de la iarbă și evergreenuri, fructe - bobițe, colțișorul de pădure acoperit de frunze, pete de culoare prin ghivece, liniștea dinainte de somnul de iarnă, gândul deja întins către primăvară și niște bulbi care au scos deja capetele și, da, surpriza zilei, un ghiocel înflorit./ The last day of November is a mixture of all things this month has been about: frost in the morning, sunshine and gentle light around noon, leafless shrubs, seed heads, mums, the red and the yellow of the dogwood, the green of the grass and of the evergreens, berries, the little wood corner covered by leaves, some spots of colours in the few containers scattered around the garden, the silence before the winter sleep, the dreaming of spring and some bulbs that have already shown up their heads. Plus the big surprise of the day, a snowdrop in bloom.😃
To see more beautiful end of November gardens, visit Helen, the Patient Gardener.
29 nov. 2016
The Tuesday View: 29 November 2016
28 nov. 2016
In a Vase on Monday - End of Autumn with Hardy Mums
I have thought to celebrate the end of a beautiful autumn with some ”hardy”Mums that come back every year and that are still looking good these days despite the frosty nights. I have taken the photo in the garden, at around 10 o ' clock in the morning, when the grass was still covered with rime.
25 nov. 2016
23 nov. 2016
The Tuesday View: 22 November 2016
21 nov. 2016
In a Vase on Monday - Burgundy
Because we can still enjoy the presence of some beautiful burgundy mums in our garden, it would have been a pity not to highlight this elegant colour in a vase. The rest are some summer ”leftovers” (blue Salvia, a pink rose bloom), a few grasses, some pinky white mums, seed heads of Iris Sibirica and Allium and a dry Astilbe spike.
Cu cine mai împart grădina (4)
Sunt multe păsări care ne tot vizitează în aceste zile, dar guguștiucii sunt cei mai simpatici.Ieri au fost chiar și niște albinuțe mânate la muncă de un strop de soare.
19 nov. 2016
Deadheads & Fruits
Over the years, I have learned that we should not deadhead everything in the garden. At this time of the year our Nandinas and Honeysuckle are bearing beautiful ornamental berries, the Iris Sibirica and Hibiscus have some lovely seeds capsules, the Hydrangeas flowers still look great and a few roses have already turned the blooms into nice hips. Aren’t they nice?
Hybiscus |
Hibiscus |
Honeysuckle |
Hydrangea |
Nandina |
Iris Sibirica |
Aster |
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