11 apr. 2016

In a Vase on Monday - Gathering Around

A plouat foarte tare și cea mai frumoasă lalea-bujor din grădină (Renown nique)  s-a rupt. Vaza de azi a pornit cu ea și de la ce a mai strâns în jurul ei, potrivit cu asemenea textură și culori - muscari, doua lalele roz, o Ronaldo pe care m-am gândit mult până să mă hotărăsc să o tai, câteva viole închise la culoare, vreo patru fire de vinka, un ralunculus și chiar și 3 fire firave de mărgăritar, de-abia ieșit. / It has rained heavily in the last 24 hours and I found the most beautiful peony tulip Renown Unique in my garden down. So, I have started creating my vase around this tulip gathering some others that I have thought would match its great texture and colours - blue muscari, two pink tulips, probably Groenland, one Ronaldo tulip that I hardly decided to cut, a few dark purple violas and some blue vinca, a ralunculus and even three fresh lilies of the valley that have just come out in bloom.


16 comentarii:

  1. Beautiful vase. The combination of tulips and muscari is so pretty.

  2. Beautiful vase. The combination of tulips and muscari is so pretty.

  3. Wow - I thought that tulip was a rose when I first saw it...it's gorgeous! And all the tulips together make a grand contrast with the blues. Thanks for sharing Anca

    1. A great tulip indeed, Renown Unique is its name.Thanks for visiting, Cathy!

  4. Oh wow was all I could say when I first saw this vase Anca....that peony tulips is magnificent and then surrounded by muscari and tulips and lily-of-the-valley! Be still my heart!

  5. Such beautiful colors Anca. The tulip is a star.

  6. That tulip is amazing, as is the whole collection, Anca! The color combination couldn't be more perfect.

  7. That tulip is amazing, as is the whole collection, Anca! The color combination couldn't be more perfect.

  8. Ce minune de buchet ! Atat de armonios . Bravo gradinarului-stilist !

  9. That is a stunning tulip - not one I have come across before. You have made a lovely selection of companions to keep her company!

  10. The peony tulip is lovely Anca, and you chose some delightful flowers to complement it! :)
