Vazele de luni din perioada iunie 2014 - 19 ian 2015 se află pe Au fost cam așa:
6.11.2017 -november freshness |
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31/10/2017 - Coppery |
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16.10.2017 -Only in October |
9/10/2017 - Pinkedged ones |
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vaze septembrie 2017 |
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In a Vase on Monday 25.09.2017 - September Pink |
In a vase on Monday 18.09.2017 -The remains of the summer |
11.09.2017 Work in Progress |
In a Vase on Monday - 4th September 2017 |
28th August 2017 |
In a Vase on Monday/ 21 Aug 2017 - Lavender |
In a Vase on Monday-14.08.207 |
In a Vase on Monday / 7.08.2017. - August Pom-poms |
In a Vase on Monday 31.07.2017/ July White |
In a Vase on Monday - 17.07.2017 |
In a Vase on Monday/ 10th July - July Orange |
In a Vase on Monday/3.07.2017 - The Tall Ones |
In a Vase on Monday/26.06.2017/ First Hydrangeas |
Vaza de luni 19.06.2017/Quick Decision |
Adăugați o legendă/12.06.2017 - White and Pink and June |
In a Vase on Monday/ 5.06.2017 - Bells |
29th May 2017 -Transition |
In a Vase on Monday/ 15th May 2017 - Mid- May Colours |
In a Vase on Monday/ 8.05.3017 - |
In a Vase on Monday/1st May - 1st May
In a Vase on Monday/ 24th April 2017 - Those 2 |
In a Vase on Monday /10th April 2017 - Roman Blue with A Story |
In a Vase on Monday/ 3rd April - Little Wild Beauties |
In a Vase on Monday/20th February - Blessed |
In a Vase On Monday/ 30th January 2017 - Think Spring |
In a Vase on Monday/ 14th January 2017 - Etain |
In a Vase on Monday / 16.01.2017 - A Mid-January Collection |
In a Vase on Monday / 9th January 2017- January Buds |
In a Vase on Monday/ 20.12.2016 - Winter Freshness |
In a Vase on Monday/ 12/12/2016 - A Winter Touch |
In a vase on Monday / 28.11.2016 - Hardy Mums |
In a vase on Monday/ 21.11.2016 - Burgundy |
In a Vase on Monday / 14th November 2016 - The last white roses |
In a Vase on Monday / 7th November 2016 - The 3 Graces |
In a Vase on Monday/ 31st October - Autumn |
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In a Vase on Mondy/ 24 October - The Pink Tinged Ones |
In a Vase on Monday/ 3rd October 2016 - A Fresh Touch |
In a Vase on Monday / 26th September 2016 - Colourful End of September |
In a Vase on Monday -Unusual Colour Combo |
In a Vase on Monday / 12th September 2016 - Transition |
In a Vase on Monday 5th Sept. 2016/ A Happy Gathering |
In a Vase on Monday/ 29th August - Purple&White |
In a Vase on Monday/ 22 August 2016 - The Other Way Around |
In a Vase on Monday/15th August - Simplicity |
In a Vase on Monday/ 8th August 2016 - Showy Phlox |
In a Vase on Monday/ 1st August - Wild Pastel |
In a Vase on Monday / 25th July - That Colour |
In a Vase on Monday / 18thJuly -Colourful Midsummer
In a Vase on Monday/ 11th July - July Purple |
In a Vase on Monday / 4th July - The Gardener s Favourites |
In a Vase on Monday/ 26th June - Summer ************************************ |
In a Vase on Monday/ 20th June - It Smells Like June |
In a Vase on Monday / 13th June - Little and charming ones |
In a Vase on Monday/6June - White for the Soul |
In a Vase on Monday/ 30th May 2016- Enjoy the Summer |
In a Vase on Monday/23th May - 100 |
In a Vase on Monday /16 May - Good bye, tulips! |
In a Vase on Monday/ 9th April - Little Flower Power |
In a Vase on Monday/ 2ndMay 2016 - Special Tulips |
Vaza de luni/25 aprilie 2016/ - Old Times |
In a Vase on Monday/18 April 2016 - Nothing Else Matters |
In a Vase onMonday / 11th April 2016 - Gathering Around |
In a Vase on Monday/4 April 2016 - out of the box |
In a Vase on Monday/28th March - sometimes it is all about colour |
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In a Vase on Monday /21st March - Buds in March |
In a Vase on Monday (14th March 2016) - Just Spring |
In a Vase on Monday (7March 2016) - wild beauties |
In a Vase on Monday/ 29.02.2016 - An extra day in harmony |
In a Vase on Monday/22.02.2016 - Hocus Pocus Crocus |
In a Vase on Monday/ 15.02.2016 - A Little Bit of Forest |
In a Vase On Monday/8.02.2016 - Monday Blues |
In a Vase on Monday (1st February) - A Fresh Start |
In a Vase on Monday (25th January 2016) - Saved by a Tiny Blue Viola |
In a Vase on Monday (18th January 2016) - A Knitted, Winter One |
In a Vase on Monday (11.01.2016) - January Buds |
In a Vase on Monday (28th December 2015) - Festive Seasons |
In a Vase on Monday (21st December 2015) - Merry Christmas |
In a Vase on Monday (14th December 2015) - Always Surprising, My Garden |
In a Vase on Monday (7th December 2015) - Colours of the Year |
In a Vase on Monday (30th November 2015) - Colourful End of Season |
In a Vase on Monday (23rd November 2015) - One of Those Mornings |
In a Vase on Monday (16th November 2015) - Shades of Pink |
In a Vase on Monday (9th November 2015) - for angels |
In a Vase on Monday (2nd November 2015) - November Daisies&Solidarity |
Vaza de luni (26th October) - A Touch of Class |
In a Vase on Monday (19th October 2015) - More Vases on Monday |
In a Vase on Monday (12thOctober) - Transition |
In a Vase on Monday (5th October 2015) - to teachers! |
In a Vase on Monday (28th September 2015) - end of September |
In a Vase on Monday (21st September) - Smells like Autumn
In a Vase on Monday (14th September) - Angel Number
In a Vase on Monday (7 September 2015) -The Remains of the Summes
In a Vase on Monday (17 August 2015) - Happy (mid) August
In a Vase on Monday (10 August 2015) - Happy birthday!
In a Vase on Monday (3 August 2015) - Mais oui...
In a Vase on Monday (27 July 2015) - Summer pastel
20 th July 2015-wild |
In a Vase on Monday (13 July 2015) - Summertime |
In a Vase on Monday (6 July 2015) - Second bloom
In a Vase on Monday (29 June 2015) - Around the sun(flower)
In a Vase on Monday (22 June 2015) - Strawberry Fields (Forever) |
In a Vase on Monday (15 June 2015) - To Ken
In a Vase on Monday (8 June 2015) - Purple in June
In a Vase on Monday (1st June 2015) - Enjoy the summer |
In a Vase on Monday (18 May 2015) - (little) flower power
In a Vase on Monday (11 May 2015) - the day when ...
In a Vase on Monday (4 May) - think pair
In a Vase on Monday (27 April) - unforgettableunforgettable
In a Vase on Monday (20 April) - Earth Day
De-abia ieșite lăcrămioare, mărgăritare, pentru ziua pământului, care ne dă așa minunății/ Lilies of the valley that have just come out - just wanted to celebrate Earth for giving us such wonders.
De-abia ieșite lăcrămioare, mărgăritare, pentru ziua pământului, care ne dă așa minunății/ Lilies of the valley that have just come out - just wanted to celebrate Earth for giving us such wonders.
In a Vase on Monday (13 April) - The Easter vase
Despre prezent și trecut, familie și amintiri e vaza de
azi, cu obiceiuri de fiecare an, dantele lucrate de mână de străbunici
care nu mai sunt, o ulcică românească din studenție, un ou de lemn vechi
de peste 200 de ani și flori - cele mai proaspete din grădină, că doar a
fost primul Paști cu Noria Anastasia./ Easter vase - present and past,
family memories, traditions, hand made laces from grandmothers, a 200
year old wooden egg and the freshest flowers form the garden to
celebrate the first Easter with Noria Anastasia.
In a Vase on Monday (6 April) - ”la vie en rose”
Pink spring, ”la vie en rose”- magnolia, bergenia & budded twigs of an apricot tree. Gentle loving energy. Edith Piaf and her beautiful song. Have a wonderful week!
In a Vase on Monday (30 March) - a little bit of sophistication
Today it all started with my favourite scarf and a combination of colours that I like -fuchsia & turquoise, a little bit of sophistication.
Pink spring, ”la vie en rose”- magnolia, bergenia & budded twigs of an apricot tree. Gentle loving energy. Edith Piaf and her beautiful song. Have a wonderful week!
In a Vase on Monday (30 March) - a little bit of sophistication
Today it all started with my favourite scarf and a combination of colours that I like -fuchsia & turquoise, a little bit of sophistication.
In a Vase on Monday (26 March 2015) - împrimăvărire
Slowly slipping into spring
In a Vase on Monday (16 March 2015) - clean & pale
are lovely these days, just starting to open wide. Beautiful, clean
petals, elegant spots of pale colours shining in my garden.
In a Vase on Monday (9 March 2015) - Longevity&Chanel
In Southeast Asia, where the bloom
originated, the Camellia represents longevity.
Camellia buds are an iconic symbol
for the Chanel fashion house's haute couture .
Thrilled with the stunning flowers
that bloom.
In a Vase on Monday (2nd March 2015) - the unique state of being a bud
With Noria Anastasia on my mind, I have only come across buds today – a yellow one
of Crocus, two white ones of Camellia, a pink one of Bergenia cordifolda and many burgeoned twigs of hortensia, kerria, magnolia
and forsythia. The unique, peerless state of being a bud.
In a Vase on Monday (23 February 2015) - colours in February
This is all I could find in the garden today, precious colours in February.
In a Vase on Monday (16 februarie 2015) - pereche
O pereche frumoasă azi, surprinzătoare, cum să pui împreună frunze nobile, nemuritoare de Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n' Gold' cu o varză decorativă aproape trecută? Pentru că verde - gălbui cu tonuri de rozaliu, doar ele.
In a Vase on Monday (9 februarie 2015) - ”take to the heathers”
Îmi plac foarte tare florile (mascule!) ale alunului de lângă terasă
(cele femele sunt mici de tot, roșii, aproape invizibile, închise în
muguri !). Le-am combinat cu câteva fire rozalii de calluna vulgaris/
iarbă neagră/ heather, un fel de buruiană dragă scoțienilor - că parcă
îți vine să iei drumul haiduciei (”take to the heathers”) când vezi
zilele astea ce-au făcut niște urâciuni cu țara.
In a Vase on Monday (2 feb.2014) - mătăsoșii
Dacă e februarie, sunt mătăsoșii mielușei sau mâțișori, lamb’s tails ori
catkins - de la o Salix chaenomeloides, o pussy willow, o salcie mâțișoară din vecini.Voi planta și eu anul acesta, am văzut că e foarte iubită de albine și fluturi și păsări.
In a Vase on Monday ( 26 ian 2015) - deschizătorii de drumuri
Primii, modești,
deschizatori de drumuri, de multe ori îi uităm, căci in spatele lor
vine, treptat, spectacolul tot mai eclatant al celor care vin după.
Care mai de care mai frumoasa ! Greu de facut un top al vazelor de luni. Indraznesc sa intreb care e favorita ta absoluta :)
RăspundețiȘtergereAbia azi am vazut comentariul si dau raspunsul- nu am o favorita, pentru mine fiecare a fost o anume traire cu stat in gradina, gandit la ceva anume, vazut cum se aseaza lumina, adunat energii.